Wednesday, February 22, 2012

PREVIEW: Minecraft 5 Tips for Surviving

This is a preview of a post on the new blog "One More Block" which can be found at:
Hi. This is Captevyo, posting about my 5 TIPS of how to survive in Minecraft.
Tip 1: Craft a sword first so you can kill mobs
Tip 2: Dont dig straight down or lava or other deadly things could hurt you
Tip 3: when finding a material underground dig 2 blocks around it and you might find more of it
Tip 4: Keep a furnace and crafting table in inventory always just in case you need to cook or make something
Tip 5: when making a home insert a pressure plate so it automaticlyopens and shuts the door just in case a mob could chase you to your house

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