lol. Hi everyone- and welcome to the new (as I promised some time ago) "Weekly Catchup". With all kinds of exciting news.
Kind of like a snapshot I guess. That would be interesting to begin doing.
Anyway, this is The first week i've decided to sit down and type The Weekly Catchup- unusually, it's on a Tuesday. The weekly catchup will usually be posted around Friday to Monday.To just get into it- lets just start.
R.S.A H3 1.1 inDev Release:
Finally- it's only been like TWO months since 0.5...
Yet still not in beta.Regarding that- i've put a picture below to show you the new 1.1 from above (excluding the industrial area).
Currently- the place is at about 5.9k visits- making it really popular and approaching 6k quite quick.
So all that makes it so much fun for me!
to be updated. In addition to the
log. I'll be working on a new "introGUI"
so that's it for the 1.1 release for
R.S.A H3 InDev.R.S.A H3 1.2 Update Already Being Worked On :D
That was really quick.
Our developers Darwin12, Jacobthescientist and 1wardude are still working hard to make sure that the HQ recieves lots of attention as a project but mostly as a home for R.S.A Members.
The 1.2 Update will bring badges into the game again- we remember it...
The "You met Darwin12" badge will return to the game...
Along with 2 new badges for Jacobthescientist and 1wardude (the developers).
So that's exciting also.
Two New Film Projects:
Darwin12Videos news finally.
I'm rearranging the website so that we show all the founders of the company and the "credible" workers that make the Darwin12 Co. run.
That includes all current 16 BoDs of R.S.A, the three main developers of R.S.A H3, and the Darwin12Videos workers (+8 workers)
The TOTAL occupations will be added including their username and "bio" I guess.
But I'll just go through the list of workers for Darwin12Videos just to put it there.
Darwin12Videos Team:
Darwin12: Director/Producer/CEO
Cheeseheadfoamy: Co-Director/Ex-Producer/CFO
(Epic Actor, but really good at helping managing production.)
Doneyes: Darwin12Video Team Director
(Awesome Director and editor)
Captevyo: Creative Director
(is going to most likely open a Creative Director blog for his work at Darwin12Videos and Dar-Games so far :D)
Wildriderproductions: Part-Time Editor
(exciting editing, overall epicness)
Johanskruger: Editor
(editing pieces of "The Space Cruiser" and an upcoming film project)
Romannumbers: Composer and Artist of Darwin12Videos Music.
As of today i'm also publicizing that RomanNumbers has a bandcamp.
Click here to visit it. (it will open a new window).
So after rambling off topic. I should just tell you in one sentence (although it will take more than one) that i'm working on two new projects. One is LA (Live Action) and one is ROBLOX. Although the LiveAction WILL possibly include ROBLOX.
Next Video Release:
The next video release will most likely be April 1st. I'm heading to 1k total views and i'm getting there- it just needs to move FASTER... lol.
Site Work:
New site work will be beginning soon.
That's about it for The Weekly Catchup.
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