Thursday, July 12, 2012

TheDFHome: The Home of the Future [Part 2]

I promised this post quite a while back, and as promised: here it is.

TheDFHome was the name given to an upcoming home-based project within ROBLOX and Minecraft [both with different versions]. But mostly: known for it's ROBLOX Version.

TheDFHome is a goal that Darwin12 has given himself, and the developers at Dar-Games to create in a personal build server, the goal to build a home of the future, for himself, his friends, and guests.

This "Home of the Future" as Darwin defines it would consist of lighting systems, multiple-room setups, chrome and white/grey design schemes and his personal favorite: glass.

Combined, an astounding interior and exterior design would be established... however, what about the interior's look?

Imagine this: a Grey and Glass door. You walk into a beautiful foyer, with glass stairways, white walls, and grey outlines around doors, you can go three ways to multiple rooms.
The multiple rooms would be bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and more

TheDFHome would be two floors, having offices upstairs, bedrooms upstairs and downstairs, a foyer, living room, and kitchen with a "levels" known within other projects by Darwin12.
This project, while not being started yet: would be a home, of the future.

Now that we have the interior, exterior, details, everything like that, the only thing left is: what else makes it a "Home of the Future"?

Part Three will feature details about what makes the house so much more different, complex and amazing, than any other house, ever built on ROBLOX.
Part Three coming tomorrow.
- Darwin12

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