Monday, March 19, 2012

"My Super Secret Video" #1 (coming soon)

Sorry- i'm kinda sleepy as I make this post and i've been tweeting. Still working on my twitter sidebars and stuff like that.
But besides that- I promised a post regarding my new "Video Project(s)"
It's called "My Super Secret Video".
I don't know if it will become a series, but I may very well make it one.
It is completed, and will be posted on THURSDAY of next week.
The video will be featuring a few super awesome featured things...
One of them (exclusive to this blog- you know first) is a sneak preview of the first minute of The First part of "The Space Cruiser" which is NOW due out MAY 9th, 2012.
You may have also noticed i've made a label for "HeroBrine" which is another project that will be releasing later this year as well.
Back to "The Space Cruiser", anyway- I said the release is MAY 9TH, 2012. But I cannot assure that, as we have blown by 4 tentative releases because of long-term-editing (hopefully it comes out good) and all that stuff.
Best of all- in "The Weekly Catchup: Week 2" you will hear details about 4 new film projects now being announced, R.S.A H3: 1.2 Prerelease 1, inDev Testing in R.S.A H3, and more. Expect Weekly Catchup #2 out on Monday- i'm already writing it.
Still on vacation guys! Like I said- keep in with my social feed on Google+ and twitter like I posted yesterday.
I'm adding some code to the posts (defaultly) so that is posts the links to my social feeds at Google+ and at Twitter.
Also: People are rumoring i'm working on my OWN social network.
Is it true?
I am working on "DarNet" which is short for DarNetwork. There will be potential details coming soon- it may be a blog, it however may not.
I intend for it to be a GoogleSite so that it is more "spread out" and has no capacities.
Weekly Catchup #2 will also feature a spot on the development of the site up till now- as it still has to be updated for "Darwin12 Co." Instead of just DarGames.
So that's about it.
More posts soon.
- Darwin12

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