Sunday, April 8, 2012

Adventures in Minecraftia: Part 2

Adventures in Minecraftia!
Finally, at last, a collaboration of many of photos from our DarCity Minecraft Server.
_Darwin12_ next to his new friend, The Creeper.
This time, we don't really have as much to show you except the new "penthouses" in a new region on our map.

It isn't much of an adventure eh?
No, you have not the slightest idea what we've been through for this moment.

Getting to it.
Stop5051's Penthouse :D (at night, side)
As you can see to the right, you can see an assortment of photos that are also labeled.

You can scroll up and down and take a look at it.
But for now, i'll give you a rundown:
So this is Stop5051's penthouse, the entire thing is a chromium iron + glass consistent exterior and interior. The entire thing has numerous redstone "lamps" that are placed on/in the floor and ceiling.

Stop5051's Penthouse (at night, entrance)
No Wood is included in the structure. Except for the fences.
The "hangover" for the garden is stone and true glowstone.

From a view of sides, you can see some of the things, but from the front of the structure in the garden, you can see down the entrance hall and into some of the structure.
Stop5051's Penthouse (day, garden view)
Some of the structure is a patio that overlooks a good portion of the area we are located in.
Stop5051's Penthouse (night, garden view)
If you scroll down, you can see the "patio overlook" at Day/Night.
But yeah, that's about it.
For most of it at least.
The overlook consists of a mountain to the right, and a small "mountain valley". Some of it is fogged up in the distance. Kind of some water to the front; that's about it.

Again, "That's about it.".
So yes... :D

So Day is above... night to the right...

Lets do a bit of skipping...
skipping a bit...
more spam.
Wait some more...
Wait some more...

Stop5051's Penthouse (living room, interior living room)
Okay, lets talk about the interior now. This is the interior here. There is a little of wood, but it isn't typical wood, it's bookshelves, a TV and some redstone torches, a sofa and a chest in the background and jukebox.
Behind the picture, there are two rooms. Bedrooms to be true on that.
The lighting goes above the house and in the flooring (as demonstrated far to the far left).

Stop5051's Penthouse from afar.

Once again, from across the mountain(Ish) valley...
I hope you enjoyed Adventure in Minecraftia: Part 2...
Part 3 will be coming soon (I don't know how long).
- Darwin12

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